Thursday, 14 May 2015

Our Heritage Revisited : A glimpse into Ancient Indian Texts

Which are our Ancient Indian Texts?  Ever wondered.

A niece asked me this question and suggested that I write for her friends and peer group. And so was born the idea. It took about eighteen months for me to get it together, put it into shape and get it printed. But finally the work was done and so was born my first book “Our Heritage Revisited – A glimpse into Ancient Indian Texts”

It is a primer really, meant for the not-so-knowledgeable. Even though the topic itself has a multitude of books to cover, my attempt has been to ensure that the overview prepared is simple and lucid. It is meant to be an easy read, both in words and spellings, and in the few concepts covered.

And feedback has been great. People have been liking my effort and are asking for more copies to gift to friends and relatives and have also suggested to others to ask for their own copies.

More on this in my next post. Meanwhile any comments are welcome.

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Unknown said...
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