Sunday 17 January 2021

Unmanned railway crossings

We had unmanned level crossings in the country and annual deaths of 12-13 thousand on railway tracks. So removal of these, on broad gauge lines was taken as a project with target date of 2020.

The link - an article of Jan 2019 - is by NDTV, a totally anti-BJP and pro Congress media house. All but one crossing had been taken care of. As I recall this had some issue, at that time, with the locals living there. I have not been able to get a recent article.

And here is another more detailed article on this.

Next: Triple Talaq

Previous: Jan Dhan Yojana


Anju Saha said...

From my friend PS: : It is foresight and the will to do and make the people realize that the govt must work not only give free subsidies. These subsidies make the people loose confidence and self respect. The image of an Indian in the western world was of a begger. I remember the first time when i went to London in 1960 my father was buying a suit for himself and the sale person was saying that payment was to be made in British pound not Indian rupee. They could never imagine that Indians can afford expensive clothes.

Anju Saha said...

From AM: 👏👏👌🏻