There has been internal criticism over the sudden lockdown at the start of the pandemic. And about the poor migrants mainly from Delhi and Maharashtra (and students from Kota, Rajasthan) who, in great distress, had immediately to go back home. There is no talk of the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) - a subset of the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY) relief package of Rs 1.70 Lakh Crore announced to minimize the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on economy and to help alleviate the plight of the poorest segments of India's 130 cr/1.3 billion population. The package, inter-alia had cash payments directly into bank accounts of the poor.
PMGKAY, initially rolled out in March 2020, involved the free distribution of five kilograms of rice/ wheat to approx. 80 crore Indians, and one kg of pulses per family per month - this over and above the entitled regular 5 kg of grain per month under the National Food Security Act.
PMGKAY, implemented through the States, was thereafter extended till the end of November. The Govt has provided free ration for the last 7-8 months to about 80 crore (800 mn) poor – this number is about 2.5 times the US population, 12 times that of UK, and twice that of the EU - the number is absolutely mind-boggling.
Data shows that around 33-35 lakh MTs of rice/wheat were distributed per month under this scheme.
Despite efforts I could not find any article commenting on the success or otherwise of this scheme – which, like all schemes of the current govt does not look into the religion or caste of the beneficiaries. There do seem to have been some logistic issues in the initial period but no comment thereafter, except for seeking further extension of the scheme. By this I conclude that the scheme has indeed been a success!!
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